Advertising and Sponsorship

Advertising and sponsorship on Holiday TV offers significant benefits over other media :

i) The audience is measured much more accurately than broadcast TV
ii) There are no restrictions on programme sponsorship and product placement
iii) There are no restrictions on product advertising
iv) Viewers cannot fast forward past the advertisements or sponsors message

1. Advertising

1.1. We take 30 second advertisements, delivered to us in any of the standard broadcast formats.
These are loaded onto our video servers and are played from there into our schedule and direct to the audience.

A full statistical package is supplied that details the exact number of times an advertisement has been played to a
customer that is watching the channel.

This is more accurate than BARB.

1.2. Rates are available from our sales agency - Digital Media Sales.
Contact Peter Barrett on 0845 122 8919.

Rates cover general within-programme advertising and also “golden spot” advertising, the advertising that
plays when a viewer first enters the schedule or watches a specific programme.

Rates are also available for “click-throughs” that link to external web-sites, the “click-throughs” are
opened either by advertisements or specific programmes.

2. Sponsorship

Sponsorship Packages include
- Branding around the TV screen itself
- “Golden Spot” advertisements
- “click through” links
- competitions where the sponsor offers a prize.
- 15 second credits and 5 second “bumpers”

Details are available from our sales agency - Digital Media Sales
Contact Peter Barrett on 0845 122 8919

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Page By Sarah Staar